Thursday, October 10, 2013

Initial Rules: Organ Grinder

This game needs a new name.

"Organ Grinder"
"The game where all is fair in war and organ trading."
A card game by Lizzie Smith
15-30 minutes, 3-4 Players

Players assume the guise of black market organ traders attempting to crush their competition and crawl their way to the top.
Game Components
2 six-sided dice
Deck of 36 cards
16 Organ cards
·8 kidney
·4 liver
·2 lung
·2 heart
20 Special cards
·2 Horrible Doctor
·1 Healthcare Takeover
·5 Power Struggle
·6 Operational Spy
·2 Organ Socialists
·2 Lucky Lungfall
·2 Double the Odds
Setting up the game
Begin by shuffling the deck evenly and dealing each player 6 cards.
Each player then rolls a dice to determine play order.  Lowest roll goes first.
Turn Order
Execute Orders
Barter & Battle
Check for victory
End of turn
The player draws the first card on the top of the deck and adds it to their hand.
Execute Orders
Player plays a special card.
Barter & Battle
After the Execute Orders stage, the player may open up discussion for trading of cards.  If the player so chooses, they may challenge another player for a card in their hand, but only if no bartered trades are made.
The disputed card is set face up between the two players, and each player takes a die.  The player with the highest combined score after three throws is the victor and takes the card.
Check for Victory
The player has achieved win state if they possess one of each organ card and a Horrible Doctor card at the end of their turn.
End of turn
If win state is not achieved, or player passes for the round, game-play passes to player on the right.
·        Horrible Doctor: required card to win the game.
·        Healthcare Takeover: when played, the target of this card must discard their entire hand and redraw.
·        Operational Spy: Player can see the hand of the target player.
·        Power Struggle: Player picks a random card from the target's hand and places it in discard.
·        Organ Socialists: Target must divide up half their hand among other players.
·        Lucky Lungfall: Player is allowed to draw an extra card on their next turn.
·        Double the Odds: Player can roll an extra time during their next battle.
Strategy tips and design notes
·         Battles are best fought only if an Operational Spy card is played on the intended target, so the attacking player knows what they are likely to get.
·         Save the Healthcare Takeover card for an endgame situation where an opponent seems to have the upper hand.
·         For an extra challenge, players may consider placing disputed cards during the Battle phase face down, so the true identity of the card is unknown. With the added element of bluffing, players can use this twist to protect their hands if need be.

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